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Highly-trained, bomb-sniffing dogs sent from the United States to its Muslim...

Why on earth would the U.S. State Department send highly-trained, well-cared for dogs to any Muslim country where, under Islam, dogs are considered to be filth? There are countless photo and video...

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MORE Muslim animal abuse

At least they’re not slitting his throat and laughing as the poor animal slowly bleeds to death. But that probably comes next. Hold my beer while I watch Michael Moore ride this camel....

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And to think, a lot of the poaching of elephants in Africa is done to support...

Watch this amazing video, then click on the link about elephant poaching below it. This takes my ❤️ for 🐘 🐘🐘🐘 to a galactic level! How is that possible? 😳pic.twitter.com/CpT6HLUaXa — Kia...

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There are no words. This is why the terrorists hate us. pic.twitter.com/baO9oHzIhx — Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) November 1, 2019 It’s not just the stupid foreign tourists: But wait, it gets a...

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THANK GOD! U.S. bans transfer of military-trained bomb-sniffing dogs to...

That’s a good start, but trained U.S. military dogs should be banned from ALL Muslim countries because of their Islam-inherent hatred of dogs. American military trained and supplied specialist bomb...

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SUDAN: The latest in Muslim animal abuse

There are no words. Gulf Today Conservationists in Sudan are trying to save four lions they say have been underfed and neglected in a wildlife park in the southeast of the country, after one lion died...

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NO JAIL TIME for Muslim savage who nearly beat his dog to death

MICHIGANISTAN: Iraqi Muslim national, Abdulrazzaq Salah Mustafa (below), who admitted to beating a dog so badly that it required hours of surgery will only get probation. That’s despite the fact...

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MORE Arab Muslim Animal Abuse…this time in the Palestinian territories...

Renowned filmmaker, Pierre Rehov, tells the story of how one righteous Muslim woman tried set up an animal rescue shelter with the help of Israelis, but was quickly shut down by Palestinian officials....

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RHINO POACHING helps fund Islamic terrorist groups

For Islamic terror groups like Boko Haram, Al-Shabaab, and Al-Qaeda, up to 40% of the organizational funding for weapons, training, basic supplies and operational costs come from ivory, illegally...

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AUSTRIA: Syrian Muslim tortures dog & sheep for the fun of it, posts video...

Several people reported to the police that a 24-year-old Syrian Muslim invader in Linz, tied the front legs of a dog and several sheep together, then beat the animals while filming himself, after which...

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VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED: Another story about horrific Muslim animal abuse

A seal is beaten unconscious by Muslim tourists in Kazakhstan so ‘children could take pictures with it’ days after another seal cub was pelted with rocks on a beach. Daily Mail (h/t Loco) The shocking...

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PAKISTAN: How many AK-47s does it take to kill a cow?

Even the cow seems amused. This is how Pakistanis kill cows in the name of Allah with an AK47. Which begs the question. How does one country produce so many rectums? How does Pakistan do it?...

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BARBARIANS! It’s bad enough Muslims run around slashing the throats of...

But look what the Pakistani Muslims have come up with to entertain the cheering audience, while terrifying the cow and making it suffer even before they cut its throat. Apparently, the cow did not die...

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Virulent Muslim Dog Hatred in Tunisia – WARNING: Viewer discretion advised

Horrifying moment when an animal shelter volunteer discovers 24 animals beaten to death  after locals killed dogs and puppies, force-feeding them bleach, beating them with sticks, and torturing one by...

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ANIMAL ABUSE: Watch how Muslims in Morocco prepare for the Eid al-Adha holiday

It’s called the Festival of Sacrifice but it’s more than just slitting the throats of fully conscious animals so they writhe in pain as they bleed to death which can take several minutes. Watch how the...

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FRANCE: Who in the world would torture/mutilate horses like this just for the...

Mystery assailants torture, mutilate, and kill horses in a spate of gruesome attacks that have stunned France. Daily Mail  (h/t Lisa) French police are investigating a spate of mysterious ‘barbaric’...

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But is the food “halal?”

Because if it isn’t, there will be hell to pay with rioting by the ungrateful illegal Muslim invaders being housed in an Italian luxury cruise ship at taxpayer expense.  You know the drill: Start...

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WHAT THE CLUCK? Muslim who raped chickens to death while his wifed filmed...

Daily Mail (h/t Steve) Rehan Baig, 37, also admitted to downloading pornographic photos of children and possessing extreme pornographic images of sexual acts with dogs and chickens. Bradford Crown...

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Sharia-compliant clothing for female cats

Are you a Muslim slave girl or an oppressed Muslim wife or daughter who is forced to wear a misogynistic Islamic hijab, and would love the idea of seeing your beloved feline friends all covered up, hot...

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TURKEY: Another example of horrific Muslim dog abuse

Golden retriever puppy had its front legs HACKED OFF by its Muslim owner after his Muslim neighbor broke the dog’s limbs, alleging that the dog had attacked his chickens. Daily Mail (h/t Mano) A golden...

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