So-called ‘Palestinian Islamic scholar’ condemns “liberal, whoring Western...
He says that in the West, “women have sex with dogs and donkeys.” He also claims that “infidels believe it is considered legitimate for a man to legally marry a she-donkey and for a woman to marry both...
View ArticleINDIA: Annoyed by the presence of a dog, Muslim man ties it to the back of...
The Kerala police have arrested a man named Yusuf in Ernakulam district for tying a dog to his car and dragging it for miles. OpIndia (h/t 100percentLoco) One eye witness recounted, “It was a horrific...
View ArticleMUSLIM ANIMAL ABUSE: A blast from the past
Repeatedly scrubbed from Youtube over the years, here’s the infamous video of two Muslim men in Algeria setting a helpless little donkey on fire.
View ArticleWho else is suffering because of Sweden’s far-left, pro-multiculturalism...
ANIMALS, yes, harmless, innocent animals are being tortured, often to death, just for the fun of it by Muslim men and boys. Yet the uber-leftist Swedish officials do nothing to stop them. CLICK CC...
View ArticleTODAY BEGINS Eid al-Adha, the Islamic festival of sacrifice and the happiest...
During Eid al-Adha, beginning the evening of July 19th this year, the throats of tied-up, fully-conscious animals are slit – without cutting the spinal cord as Kosher slaughter requires because that...
View ArticleIRAN: Muslims inject acid into stray dogs causing a slow, agonizing death...
The dogs and puppies scream in excruciating pain as their internal organs and tissues are chemically burned with the acid by Muslim authorities. OSNews The following is a video that shows the way...
View ArticleTURKEY’s canine holocaust
TURKEY, the country that wants to join the EU, keeps slaughtering dogs, cast out in the depths of Istanbul’s Beykoz forest with poison foaming out of their mouths. Animal rights activists from the...
View ArticleANOTHER TURKISH GENOCIDE: No, not Christians this time…dogs
In Muslim countries, even a quasi modern one like Turkey, poisonings and abuse of dogs is quite common.
View ArticleTURKEY: This is what happens when Islamic hatred for dogs is passed on to...
Pascal the puppy was left for dead after cruel Muslim children covered him in industrial glue and dragged him through mud in Istanbul. Fortunately, there appear to be a few Muslims in Turkey who put...
View ArticleWhy would two young men in Turkey cut off a little dog’s ears and post the...
Because they are Muslims. Muslims hate dogs because Mohammed hated a black dog that bit him. According to the information published on social media (and confirmed by a local newspaper) the thugs...
View ArticleTURKEY: Muslim animal abuser chops off all the legs and tail of a puppy just...
The tiny dog fought for its life for two days after walkers rushed it to the vets when they found it abandoned in the foliage undergrowth. Mirror (h/t John H) A Muslim man has been arrested after a...
View ArticleFINALLY! A heartwarming story about a Muslim and unwanted animals
His name is Reyhan, and unlike many of his fellow Turks, he rescues and cares for animals that otherwise would have been killed or tortured. h/t Liz PREVIOUS ANIMAL HORROR STORIES FROM TURKEY ANOTHER...
View ArticleDANGEROUS DOGS? CRIMINAL CATS? Iranians outraged at proposed government ban...
According to the AFP, the Iranian ban would affect dogs and cats, as well as crocodiles, turtles, snakes, lizards, mice, rabbits, monkeys, and other “unclean animals.” JPost (h/t Marvin W) The law,...
View ArticleFRANCE: A man walking his dog got into an altercation with two dog-hating...
Not surprisingly, there are two different sides to this story. (If you don’t know how dogs are treated by many dog-hating Muslims around the world, scroll down to the bottom of this story) Medforth...
View ArticleMUSLIM ANIMAL ABUSE for the fun of it
This is not a recent video, but most like it have been removed from Youtube. It show two teenage boys, allegedly from Algeria, taking joy in pouring an accelerant on a helpless donkey, then setting it...
View ArticleIRANIAN Regime shoots and kills more than 1700 stray dogs that were being...
Unspeakable cruelty! 1-The ruthless regime in Iran has raided a dog shelter and killed more than 1700 stray dogs protected by volunteers. Very few dogs survived. This volunteer woman in tears holds a...
View ArticleFRANCE: ‘Violent Muslim youths’ torture cats, kick them around like soccer balls
Last month, violent Muslim youths were observed torturing cats and using them as ‘soccer balls’ by horrified witnesses, according to reports. The disturbing incidents unfolded between June 27th and...
View ArticleWOO HOO! What goes around comes around
Pakistani Muslim ‘halal’ butcher in Karachi gets sacrificed by the bull whose throat he was about to cut. DR During the Islamic festival of sacrifice, Eid al-Adha, cows, sheep, and goats goats are...
View ArticleILLEGAL horse fighting to the death is a Muslim tradition in the Philippines
Horse fighting brings out the Muslim crowds in Mindanao, where stallions are whipped up into a frenzy of sexual rivalry by a mare in heat, and then forced to fight to the death…all in the name of fun....
View ArticlePalestinian convicted terrorist who is mayor of Hebron, offers monetary...
Tayseer Abu Sneineh, the mayor of the Palestinian West Bank city of Hebron announced on a radio broadcast earlier this week that Palestinians who capture or kill stray dogs will receive NIS 20 shekels...
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